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      Manage Invoice #

  • This displays a list of all invoices, allowing you to see the details of each one at a glance.
  • Manage Invoice page displays  a list of invoices with key information like the invoice date, client email address, order amount, payment status, and options for taking action on each invoice.

  • Create Invoice: This button takes user to the “Create Invoice” page where you can create a new invoice for a client.
  • Select Filter: This filter allows user to narrow down the list of invoices displayed client name.
  • Search: The search bar enables you to quickly find a specific invoice by entering  client name.
  • Action: Each invoice has an “Action” column with buttons for viewing the invoice details, sharing it with others, or deleting it from the system.
  • Overall, the “Manage Invoice” section provides a streamlined way to organize, track, and manage your invoices efficiently.

Create an Invoice #

  • To create an invoice, follow these steps on the “Manage Invoice” page:
  • Click on the “Create Invoice” button located on the left side in Invoices section of the left side bar menu or right side of the “View All Invoices” page.
  • You will be redirected to the “Create Invoice” page.

Follow these steps to fill in the client details and create the invoice:

  • Choose the client’s email address from the dropdown list, or add a new client by clicking the “Add new” button.
  • When click on the “Add new ” button , a modal dialog box will open

In the modal dialog box,

  • Enter the client’s first name.
  • Enter the client’s email address.
  • Enter the client’s phone number.
  • Enter the client’s address.
  • Select the project from the dropdown menu.
  • Click the “Submit” button.
  • A success message “Client has been added” displays.
  • Click on the “Ok” button
  • This client is added in  the client’s email address dropdown list.
  • The client-related information will appear in the fields for Select project, Client name, Client address, and Client email.
  • Select the project from the “Select Project” dropdown list.
  • Enter the invoice date and select the currency.
  • The Add Order and Accept Payment Later option allows you to create an invoice without immediately processing the payment.

  • Input the item details including service, package/description, rate, and amount.
  • User can add multiple services with package/description, rate and amount by clicking on the “Add Items” button.


  • Choose the discount type (Percentage or Amount) and enter the discount value.
  • The total discount will be calculated automatically.
  • Click on the “Generate Invoice” button to finalize and create the invoice.

  • The generated invoice displays on the “Manage Invoice” page.

  • User can view the generated invoice by clicking the “View” icon button in the Action column.
  • The generated invoice link is sent to the client’s email inbox.

  • Click on the link in the mail
  • An invoice will display.

  • Click on “Proceed to payment” to display payment options.
  • The client will then make the payment using the available payment options.
  • The generated invoice can be shared with the client by clicking on the share icon button in the Action column.
  • To delete the generated invoice, click on the delete icon button in the Action column.