Single Service Checkout functionality #
- Single service checkout functionality in allows a user to purchase a single service or product at a time within an e-commerce platform or website.
- It is designed for simplicity and speed, focusing on reducing the number of steps a customer needs to complete their purchase.
Steps: #
- Login to the Agency Simplifier Admin account with valid credentials.
- It navigates to the dashboard page.
- First, create a new pre-order form.
- Click on the “Services” section.
- Click on the “Service Forms.”.
- The “Manage Form” page will display.
- Click the “Add Form” button.
- Select Regular Fields or Custom Fields.
- Click on the “Save” button.
- When click on the “Save” button, a modal dialog box will open
- Add form name, form type, and form information, and click on the “Save” button.
- The success message will display.
- Click on the “OK” button.
- Locate the created pre-order form.
- The user can preview the form by clicking the eye icon button in the Action column.
- To edit the form, click on the pencil icon edit button in the Action column.
- To delete the form, click on the trash icon delete button in the Action column.
- Add this pre-order form to the service.
- Go back to the Services section and select Manage Services.
- Locate the desired service from the list.
- Click on the pencil icon in the Action column to edit the service.
- In the service editing view, select the pre-order form you just created from the dropdown menu.
- Once the pre-order form is selected, the Disable Multi-Cart Checkout checkbox will automatically be checked.
- Click on the Next button to proceed with the updates.
- Finally, click the Save button to apply the changes.